Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day Thirty-Three; a brief account of how my parents met.

I'm disabled for now. It'll be at least a week before my leg is strong enough to be walked on. Stupid Argent's won't let me just salvage one from their dead. I suppose it's fair, burying a guy with everything he came into the world with (minus some blood). I hear there are engineers who can make mechanical limbs, maybe I should try to find one and deal with this stupid leg once and for all.

Oh well, guess I'll just be lying here for a while. Might as well record some family history in the mean time. I'll start with Mum and Dad and work my way back.

Weishei Aurastone was the son of Sir Harden Aurastone, lord of Thadsbrook Keep. The Horde was advancing from the south and young men from across Lordaeron were being called to service. But Sir Harden refused to allow his son to join the fight. In secret, his spiritual guide had forewarned him of an eminent danger to Thadsbrook, but prideful, secretive Harden told no one.
Out of the south, on a summer Sunday, a raiding party of Orcs and trolls, lead by a powerful Ogre came upon the keep. They ignored the town, their only objective being to prevent the troops there from joining the coming battles. Sir Harden died in the battle, and his trained guards with him. Weishei went into town and called the able-bodied men to service, sending the women and children to Lordaeron for safety. One remained though, without his knowledge, Tania the captain's daughter had been in the forest gathering berries when the attack took place and had not yet returned.
Rather than abandon their ancestral land, Weishei built a barricade around the town, and stationed a patrol along the road out of Alterac. Weeks passed, and it was not until midwinter's that the Ogre returned to finish the town. With his new power, granted by Cho'Gal at the Darrow Cairn, he came to burn it to the ground.
Gro'Lak, Ogre one of the first Ogre Magi lead a strike force of forty Orcs and five vile trolls against the defending peasantry. Weishei's blade claimed four and his men the rest at much loss, but against a mage as strong as Gro'Lak the men could not stand. A dozen fell before his fist and a dozen more burned in his flames, and he could not be brought low.
But at last came back the greatest warrior of the town, fallen in with a band of Dwarven hunters, returning from an exploration in eastern Lordaeron, returned to her home, a score of stone-browed dwarves beside her. Where others fled or lagged behind she charged. A fallen hammer she snatched up from the ground and with no armor save her weathered frock she lept upon Gro'lak.

He married her that spring, amazed by her bravery and enthralled by her baking. I've never had the privilege of finding out what she found so attractive in him. But I do have proof of her courage. One of the only possessions I carry with me is Gro'Lak's ring, which she wore as a bracelet in memory of that day. It's not the most powerful artifact in the world, but as jewelry goes it's actually quite nice. Gold with rubies, runes worked within to fortify spirit and stimulate intellect; and the rubies are cut and enchanted to replenish energy and strengthen spells.

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