Friday, July 30, 2010


((Laudren has been to busy to notice the fact that her journal is missing. I'll add some of the thief's entries later; but for now here's a vignette from one of my other characters.))

"King Wrynn is calling all able bodied warriors of the Alliance to serve in his army. Step right up and join today."
"That's it? No enlistment bonus, no pitch abut seeing the world, and I assume that's what qualifies as patriotic these days. Get off that podium you sorry excuse for a soldier."

Cellan pulled herself up onto the small podium the Stormwind recruiters had set up in Theramore's market square. The young man standing on it just stepped aside in shock as she nudged him aside.

"Citizens of Theramore! We stand here buying and selling, making a living for ourselves. We are happy are we not?"
A few people nodded, a single yes rose from the throng in response.
"We are happy. But for how long? How long will we be happy here, when the heart of the Horde is but a few short days sail north? At any moment everything you have could be taken from you, your life ended, your sons slaughtered in their beds, and your daughters dragged off to warm Orcish beds."

That got some attention. The older citizens, especially the Kul Tirans, had gotten these sorts of messages ground into them by Admiral Proudmoore. She'd actually taken the threats directly from one of his speeches from the second war.

"Will you stand by and wait for the inevitable?"
A few cries of support rang out, She'd known that the Admiral still had a lot of support, even after his death, but she'd have never thought it would be so strong.
"Then stand together, take up the sword and be the shield of the Alliance. Enlist now and take the fight to the Horde!"
Cellan reached into her pocket and found the trinket she'd been looking for. She'd never thought it would be used again, and it was painful to think of that day. But this was its purpose, this was why he'd entrusted it to her.
"Give me the papers, and get some hot wax. I'm taking command of this post"
"By whose authority?"
"By mine," she flashed the signet of Thadsbrook at the young recruiter. "As the rightful lord of Thadsbrook keep, I'm assuming command of this recruiting station."
The officer stood dumbstruck, he'd probably never met an actual noble, and there was almost no chance he'd ever heard of Thadsbrook.
"Salute maggot, if you know what's good for you."
The entire compliment saluted their new commander.

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