Monday, August 2, 2010

day? I suppose, guessing by her count, probably ninety-three

Damn this thing is secure. She's got it enchanted heavily and voice activated, I had to get Gidge to modify it so it'll respond to me at all.

We're in New Hearthglen waiting for the fleet. The Highlord has shifted his focus south, to the plaguelands. A lot of the surviving Scarlets have begrudgingly signed on with us, I think by now they've seen to much evidence of non-human's ability to fight to think them as worthless as they did before. A lot of them fought us anyways, but no longer. The remaining ships of the Scarlet Armada are being requisitioned now; we have a lot of men, but few sailors. I swore I'd never raise a sail again after I left home, and I'm holding to it no matter the need.

This journal's owner, Laudren, is reading through the Scarlet's medical logs. I don't know what she hopes to find, the Scarlets never kept prisoners long enough to attempt any treatment.
She met with a small band of Nerubians yesterday. Outside town of course, they may be alive but to most of us they're still the enemy. I don't know how much she learned from them, but it doesn't seem to be anything good.
She's been quieter since we left Dalaran. And the lack of proper booze around here isn't the only reason, something is on her mind. And she's been talking to the locals everywhere she goes, the witch doctors in Zul'Drak, the Nerubians here, Scarlet medical journals, a couple of the Tuskar even stopped by this morning to talk to her. It was probably nothing important, just a few trinkets and some hides they wanted to give her. It certainly cheered her up a bit, and she seemed to enjoy their company.

It's odd really, undead don't normally get happy. Or hopeful for that matter. She seems less traumatized than all the other ones I've met, almost not undead at all. I mean, physically she's clearly dead; she's got bones for fingers and I can see part of her skull when she brushes her hair back. But mentally, no hatred for the living, no angsty brooding, and only a hint of sadism and I think that comes more from being nobility and a more than slightly mad alchemist than from being undead. Only thing she seems to truly dislike is other undead, although she does seem to enjoy antagonizing the older Orcs every now and then.
She's an odd girl, but in a very nice way. I can't help but wonder what it is that makes her the way she is.

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