Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day hundred and Nine, just south of Durnholde

Alright, we're camped out tonight. Laudren's on guard, the Forsaken are strong in this area and she'll be the least likely to cause suspicion, this time. More importantly she's travelled the region before and knows the surroundings better than we do.
Also she doesn't sleep, ever.

And now the fun part. I went over to help Laud get away from Gidge last night. I open the door and find that Laudren has put Gidge in the dresser and is leaning against it to keep her from getting out. I ask her if she needs help, and she just smiles. Apparently during the whole crown chemical deal last spring she bought a lot of extra vials so she could figure out how they did it. She used a little bit of Troll voodoo to extend the effects and strengthen her own resistance to it. Apparently the side effects can be.. well, no one would have objected. A part of me wishes she hadn't taken as many precautions. She did let me sketch her though, twice. She wanted to keep a copy for herself. She also wanted to make sure we stopped off at what's left of her place on our way to Light's Hope. Probably just nostalgia.

Gidge is still a bit shaken. It was a powerful potion, and it's not often you find yourself face to face with the girl of you dreams; even if you know she's actually a rotting corpse.

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