Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day hundred and Fourteen; wildhammer stronghold

Still not back; I've asked if anyone's heard from her. The Dwarves don't seem worried at all. Several of them actually laughed at the thought of her being in trouble.

Which brings up an interesting sidenote. Apparently Laudren's mother, Tania, spent a fair bit of time hunting with the Wildhammer's when she was younger. Garnered a fair reputation as an amazing cook and a steady hand with a hammer. It's mostly their respect for her that makes them as tolerant towards Laudren as they are. Some of the ones who actually hunted with Tania used to visit while Laudren was little, right up until the scourge came. They've had some..Gidge calls them interesting things, I just wonder how much of the goings on of her own household Laudren was actually aware of. Talking to her you'd think her mother was an angel and her father a saint. The first one is understandable, her mother died when she was only four, giving birth to a younger sister, the Ehrnsie she refrences in the journal's front page I assume.

But her father, Dwarves tend to be quite trustworthy and I doubt they'd lie about something they stand to gain nothing from. I'll not say more until I find a more direct source to talk to; I know that this 'Cellan' person was still alive two years ago. And odds are fairly good that if Gilneas remains as secure as it appears then Ehrnren is alive, and mother of a fair size brood I imagine. I'll try to talk to one or both of them before I tell Laudren any of this. She needs all the stability she can get.

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