Friday, August 13, 2010

Day hundred and thirty, sorry, hundred and three

Gidge is sleeping, quietly. The fever dropped off within hours and everything else seem to be correcting itself. She's gonna be okay.

Laudren yelled at me for not getting her sooner. Apparently she's done the same to the healers. It kind of established a pecking order really; Laudren being kind of the top medicinal authority in the group now. She's certainly got the expertise. She's just not very approachable, not that she isn't nice, just that she tends to take a lot of her knowledge as basic and makes it apparent what sort of healer you must be for not knowing it. I wouldn't say she bullies the healers, she just reminds them where healers stand in the medical community.

A lot lower than I'd have ever thought. You'd think a combat healer would need to be the best, but apparently just 'summoning your inner power', or whatever the hell magic is, is pretty easy compared to curing disease or rehabilitating ex-soldiers. Probably an issue of training too, she's spent years learning this stuff and most of them just learned a bit of restorative magic from a hunchbacked crone outside of town and refined it a bit as they fought in Northrend.

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