Monday, August 23, 2010

Day Hundred and Thirteen, no location change

She's still away. Most of her trips aren't this long, I suppose the coast is a good distance away but it still isn't normal for her. If she's not back by Wednesday I'm going after her.

Now that we have regular mail service Gidge wrote back to her parents to make sure they knew she's still alive. I could care less what my mother thinks; but I have been trying to write a letter to Maddie's folks. They ought to know what happened. And since it was just Gidge and I, and I have seniority, I ought to be the one that tells them. It's been hard to relive, even after a year. I should have been there, I shouldn't have left her alone like that. There was no way she could have defended herself against that many of them, even in her best condition.
Gidge keeps telling me not to beat myself up over it. But it was my fault, I don't deserve to be forgiven for it. If it weren't for me she'd still be alive, safe at home or here with us. I had to go and let my feelings get in the way and she paid for it.

Crap, need to go get Gidge out of a barrel. She just hit on one of the Dwarves and she'll need help. Again.

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