Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Finally, Day Hundred and Eight; Southshore.

So it turns out that Laud knows more than just medicinal potions. She had us land just north of town and set up her Alchemy kit. How she got it all into that knapsack I don't know, magic probably.
Anyways, she gets out a half dozen vials and combines them in a rather ceremonial pattern. Right and while she was setting up her stuff she had Gidge and I settig out some Votive candles and a couple of Orcish skulls, must have been Orcish, they had those little piggy tusks of theirs. Again, cermonial patterning was quite obvious.

Then she recites something in Light knows what, not Demonic Gidge's brother was a warlock and he taught her enough that she can tell. Troll maybe, could have been Tauren for all I know.
Then she climbs into the cauldron.

Yea, she's quick like that; I almost got to her in time to stop her. I thought she'd disolved or something, but then she climbs back out all healthy looking. Clothes and all, not a bit of rot on her; that I could see anyways.

So we're in the inn now, nobody knows she's not alive. Do all undead know this stuff? And what was in those vials? Must be some pretty potent stuff, probably cost a fortune. ANd who knows how long this isgoing to last. She says we're going to leave the town early in the morning, but I don't know if she'll be back to dead by then or just quickly rotting.

It's all rather suspicious to me. But aside from the sheer oddity of this sort of magic, it puts her in a rather different light. She's...not half bad looking. If I didn't know better I'd probably buy her a few drinks and see how far it got me. I mean, I wouldn't because under that magic she's still dead and corpse-y, and that's just kind of stomach rending to think about. But if I didn't know that, I might try it. At least two of the guards have hit on her, I can't tell if she was blowing them off or just didn't pick up on it. If the former than she's an artist; if the later, she's blind, the second guard was pretty blunt.
She and Gidge are in their room. I'm actually a bit confused about that, Gidge has been giving Laud some...odd looks, to say the least. She's got this gleam in her eyes I haven't seen since before we joined the army. It was usuallywhen she met a particularly....

That easy? Really? I'd have... Genius, she really does know her craft. It's not a disguise, it's some sort of love potion. She figured out a way to make some sort of potion that causes her to appear as the most attractive thing to whoever..senses her; I don't know how it works exactly, but if she could brew it properly it would make a disguise unneeded. Provided there were no other undead around, or elementals, or...I don't know if demons feel love or not, but I bet they'd see through it.

Well in any case, at least now I know what the girl of my dreams looks like. I think I'll try and get her to let me sketch her before it wears off. I'm guessing that by now she'll need a reason to get away from Gidge anyways. That little tinkerer can be quite agressive when her intrests have been aroused.

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