Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day Hundred and Fifteen, still wildhammer stronghold

I bought supplies yesterday. If she's not back by 6am tomorrow I'm going after her. And since Gidge got her wake-e-matic auto-gong working this morning, much to this dismay of hung-over Dwarves everywhere, I'll actually know when that is.

Gidge says six in the morning is too late to go to sleep and not late enough for a drink. Must be a Dwarven saying, I've never caught her drinking in the whole twenty odd years I've known her.

Now this Ehrnsie girl of Laud's, seems like she could put away a good drink or two. And I've seen Laud down a few herself. Sounds like her Dad was more of a collector than a drinker, Rumor behind the counter is that the Thadsbrook Keep cellars were host to one of the finest collections of ale, mead, and wine outside of Ironforge. The value, so I'm told, was nearly half of the family's entire wealth.
Must have been quite the cellar, I'll have to ask Laud if we can go to her place.

Not like that. Although it seems like a good time to point out that I think I know what she was talking about when I asked her what she saw in the mirror while she was wearing that potent perfume of hers back in southshore. Must have some major self-image problems from growing up with that additude about her own looks. If I ever catch that girl I'm going to give her a piece of my mind.

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