Monday, May 10, 2010

Day Eight, Northrend Assignment

Turns out I had the day right. I was pretty happy telling that stuck up turd about it too.

Talandra's Rose. Sounds like an Elf found it doesn't it? According to a few trappers that were taken prisoner in the Grizzly Hills north of here it was actually discovered by a Tirasian sailor during one of the pre-Dark Portal Northrend incursions. He happened upon the rose's properties by accident when it was used in a tea, subsequently bringing new strength to the party's mage. As the discoverer of the plant, he was permitted to name it.

Besides being named for a Silvermoon harlot, Talandria's Rose isn't even a rose. It's a bloody nettle, a pretty nettle but a nettle nonetheless.
I'm just waiting to hear that some Gilnean merchant has named a thistle 'Ehrnren's Lily'. That'd just make my day.

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