Friday, May 14, 2010

Day Thirteen, Northrend Assignment


They are to the Tauren what the Mag'har are to the Orcs. A more savage, unrefined Pre-Thrall race of Warriors and shaman..Shamen, something like that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Orcs. I've heard the stories Dad told me, and the ones Grandpa told him; they're a dangerous and horrific people. But their Warchief seems respectable enough. I'd actually heard a few stories about what happened at Durnholde, and if the rumors I've heard from some of the older Orcs and a few of the..what do you call an older forsaken? Well, some of them said he did it over a woman, a human woman.
In my book, love is a pretty good reason to level a fortress. Any girl would be blessed to meet a guy that mad for her.

Oh right, the Taunka.
I prefer Tauren. The mood around here is still really tense even with the war fundamentally over. A regular herd of pessimists; and they all think the Orc's offer of entry to the Horde is the best thing since buttered corn, another introduction of the Horde. At least with the Tauren they're polite about the spirits; these folk seem to think that the spirits are evil and that they'll be safe now that they have the power of the Horde on their side. Have I mentioned that they like the Horde?
Honestly, I'd rather listen to an Elf talk about himself; the praise would be less flowery and more humble than this tripe.

Oh, and they seem to have gotten it into their heads that the best way to serve the Horde is by loading all four hundred plus pounds of themselves onto any Wyvern that comes through the base and flying it straight north to Wintergrasp. I've gone ahead and mailed a letter to Dalaran for them to send a mage to port me there. With any luck I've still got a few friends left either alive or consciously undead.

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