Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day Twenty-Two

Ran into a few Alliance stragglers today. I kept Jad from attacking at first. They were survivors of Bolvar's legion, been wandering since the wrathgate. I recognized the tabards from a wanted poster the Kor'Kron had put up. Apparently they've been hunting down these sorts of people. I expect the Alliance does the same to any Kor'Kron stragglers they encounter. One of them spotted us and he and his buddies fired a few rounds in our direction. No harm done, but if we'd let them keep going they'd eventually have hit someone. Turns out that someone has been studying with one of the elder blademasters of Blade's Edge. Sword may not be the weapon of choice for most Trolls, but Jad used it like a pro. I've never seen any mage fight that well in melee.
I had to reseal some of his wounds. I'm just glad he didn't get any new ones. Would have slowed us a good week if he had. As it is we'll probably be an extra day's travel to keep him safe. I can't wait to get to the safety of Dalaran.

I managed to get a few blows in myself. I'm not actually armed, but if you hit something hard enough and long enough it'll die. A little more blood on my clipboard, nothing I can't polish off when we get to Dalaran.
I may need a proper weapon though. I'm sure some paladins fell at the Wrathgate, with the proper rites I can sanctify one of their hammers for my own use. Jad's a mage, but I'm sure he can understand the need for a properly prepared weapon. With any luck I'll still remember how to use it. Shouldn't be to hard, I'll practice with a weighted branch until then. That's another extra day. I'd wager it'll take us a full week or so to get there, if all goes as planned.
It never does, which is why I always estimate to compensate for such events.

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